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Shadespire - Sepulchral Guard First Thoughts

I played my first match with the Sepulchral Guard last night. I won 2-0 (9-4, 9-2) against the Bloodreavers.

I love the warband. I played extremely defensive and focused on the Objectives. I definitely think leaving the Prince out as bait is the best way, he's not that great unless he's inspired.

My opponent had never played vs SG and we're both pretty new, so I'm under no illusions that I will keep winning  

Having said that, I'm currently unbeaten in Shadespire..... played 4 games, won 3, drew 1 :p 

My Deck


  • Hold Objectives 1-5
  • Tactical Supremacy 1-2 & 3-4
  • Supremacy
  • Ploymaster
  • Determined Defender
  • Denial
  • Battle Without End


  • Confusion
  • Swift Evasion
  • Sprint
  • Restless Dead
  • Sidestep
  • Illusory Fighter
  • Clawing Hands
  • Danse Macabre
  • Terrifying Screams
  • Fortify


  • Frightening Speed
  • Great Speed
  • The Dazzling Key
  • The Shadowed Key
  • Undying
  • Ancient Commander
  • Soultrap
  • Remembered Shield
  • Great Fortitude
  • Shardcaller



  • Clawing Hands was never useful, whenever I was attacking I would generally have support anyway. I've swapped this with Shardfall
  • Terrifying Scream was so useful I've swapped Confusion with Distraction to gain an extra push
  • Fortify sounds great, but generally my fighters have support anyways. I've opted to replace this with Cruel Taunt, as there are some scary Inspired models out there 


  • I will drop Ancient Commander. Being able to move 3 friendly fighters is great but I rarely had need to move more than 2. I've replaced with Shadeglass Darts to give a camping model some range
  • I really want to take Great Strength to help one shot some models but struggling to think of something to swap. I'm tempted to play more than 10 Upgrades/ploys but I'd then need to buy another pack of SG Sleeves 
All the other cards served me very well during the games, so will keep them for now. 

The Sepulchral Guard will be my primary force for the time being.

Back to Blogging

I've had a very busy Year and a half. I've moved, gotten married, and had a baby... So much non hobby stuff has kept this blog quiet. But I have still been Hobbying!

Firstly, I sold of my Slaanesh/Emperor's Children... I still love Slaanesh, but my painting had improved so much since I started them that I didn't like fielding them anymore. I will however pick them straight up again when they get their own Battletome and some new models.

I picked up Sylvaneth when their Battletome dropped.. painted up a whole force, played many games, didn't like them and sold them too!

I've kept up with the Khorne Bloodbound and added many models. Sadly lost the Daemons, after lending to someone who then lost them.

New 40K was released, and I've been back and forth with what Army to collect. Started off Deathguard, but have eventually decided to do Adeptus Mechanicus. It a slow burn project as AoS is still my first love!

The current painting project is Nurgle. I'm heading to Blood Tithe in March and we already had a Khorne player, so I've started painting up a Nurgle force, which is great timing with their imminent Battletome release!

I've also picked up a new game, Shadespire. I was reluctant at first, but now I'm all in! I have all Core sets and expansion warbands.

New year, and a new resolution to get this blog back up and running.